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Life Groups
Growing Together
We have a number of different life groups that meet together during the week and on weekends.
If you would like more information about any of these groups, please contact us.

House of Prayer
We are passionate about prayer and we believe a healthy church is a praying church. We meet together every Wednesday night at church at 7pm for fellowship, a short Bible study and prayer. Visitors are always welcome.
Also available on Zoom for those who are unable to physically come to church.
Zoom Church ID: 836 3376 4709
Church Password: eacsda

Bible Study
Studying the Bible together is an important part of becoming disciples of Jesus and so we have engaging Bible study groups for all ages every Saturday at 9.30am. The study guides can be freely downloaded here.
If you're interested in joining one of our groups,
we would love to hear from you!
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