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Meet Our Team Leaders

With Jesus as our example, we are honored to lead, guide,

and sacrifice for the East Auckland City church community.
Reflecting God’s Love, Advancing God’s Kingdom

Pastor Tehuiarii Leverd

Pastor Tehuiarii Leverd is our Pastor at EACSDA.
Since 2013, I have been privileged to serve God in ministry, leading discipleship for Children, Youth, Women, and Family Ministries at the Seventh-day Adventist Mission of French Polynesia from 2015 to 2021. Now, I am blessed to continue my pastoral calling with the North New Zealand Conference, where I eagerly pursue new opportunities to foster spiritual growth and community.

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Sister Saru Ndlovu

Sister Saru Ndlovu is the Leader of our Women's Ministry.
I am married and have 2 beautiful girls. I am also a Granny. As women in our church we are a great Army, when we are in Christ,  united and use our God given gifts. I was born in the SDA church and was baptised more than 35 years ago. I sing of God’s amazing love and grace over my life. It is a privilege to serve in His vineyard. I pray and commit my all to Him, for Him to lead and guide me in His service. My prayer is that I may dwell in the house of the Lord until the end of time.

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Brother Siti Buwawa

Brother Siti Buwawa is the Leader of our Deacons at East Auckland City SDA Church

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Sister Lorna-Jen Crallan

Sister Lorna-Jen Crallan is the Leader of our Personal  Ministry & Evangelism at East Auckland City SDA Church.

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Sister Kalo Jumaye

Sister Kalo Jumaye is the Leader of our Children's Ministry at East Auckland City SDA Church.

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Elder Franklin Matthews

Elder Franklin Matthews is the Leader of our IT Team at East Auckland City Church

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Sister Leilani Buwawa

Sister Unise Buwawa is the Leader of our Hospitality Ministry at East Auckland City SDA Church.

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Pathfinder Director

Coming soon


Sister Leanne Manaro

Sister Leanne Manaro is the Leader of Communications and Media.
I was baptised in February 2022. Without my Savior, Jesus Christ, I would be miserable. He has given me so many blessings.  I use the gifts that He has given me for His glory.


Elder Fitu Ah-Young

Elder Fitu Ah-Young is the head Elder at EACSDA.

As a second generation SDA, I was born in Christchurch and baptised in my home town in 2001, and was first appointed as a Church Elder in Wellington in 1993.
I am married to a beautiful women of 37 years, in ministry, with Sue. We have been blessed with three children and in laws, also extended family who stay with us often, as well as a family dog called Evee.
Our Elders have three main 3 priorities in the 2024 year:
1. Unity in Christ, the Three Angels Message and His Word – one faith, one Lord and Savior.
2. Member Visitation – to foster one family atmosphere among all EA church members.
3. Strong family units – to foster healthy homes and build a united EA church ready to embrace new members whom the Lord brings in.
We sincerely appreciate your prayers and support as we work together to build God’s church family at East Auckland City Church.

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Elder Franklin & Sister Zelda  Matthews

Elder Franklin and Sister Zelda are the Leaders of our Family Ministry at East Auckland City SDA Church
God has blessed us with three boys who are now adults. Having raised three boys and now enjoying being grandparents to three beautiful girls is such an amazingly new experience of parenting.
We are passionate about family and the core values we imbue. Our aim is to partner with and equip parents to be the primary disciple makers of their children as they help them transition, from seeking Jesus to serving Jesus through the gospel. Families serve as the foundation upon which the church is built, providing stability, love, and support to its members. We aim to encourage unity through prayer, personal connection, and spiritual upliftment.

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Sister Carol Goliath

Sister Carol Goliath is the Leader of our Deaconesses at East Auckland City SDA Church

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Elder Ross Davidson

Elder Ross Davidson is the Leader of our Sabbath School at East Auckland City SDA Church. 

From a young age, I have always loved the Lord.

I was baptised on my 10th birthday November 1964.

Jenny and I met in 1981 and were married in December 1983.

We attended the Papatoetoe S.D.A. Church. Six years later we were blessed with the first of our two daughters. Eight years ago we were blessed with a Granddaughter.

Other major dates of my spiritual journey:

1985 Ordained as a deacon; Papatoetoe S.D.A. In 1991 I was Ordained as an Elder Papatoetoe S.D.A.

I love the Lord and enjoy helping others to know the Lord on a personal level.

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Brother John Mata'afa

Elder John Mata'afa is the Leader of Stewardship at East Auckland City Church

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Elder Samuel Aruwa

Elder Samuel Aruwa is the Leader of our Men's Ministry.
God led me to the SDA Church through an evangelistic meeting in Nigeria, January 1980. I was baptised on December 14, 1980.
I am happily married to the love of my life, of 28 yrs Gladys Aruwa,We have 3 beautiful adult children and one gorgeous grandchild.
Knowing the Lord has been an absolute blessing. There is no greater joy in life than walking with the Lord, being led by His instructions and desires, and patterning my life after His character contained in the Bible. I deem it a sheer honour and privilege to be a part of God’s army, tasked with the urgent message of bringing God’s love to the world.

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Sister Penny Maivalenisau

Sister Penny Maivalenisauis the Leader of our Prayer Ministry at East Auckland City SDA Church

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Sister Vaea Leverd

Sister Vaea Leverd is our Worship and Music Leader. She is the wife of our Pastor. They have 4 children and we have been blessed to have them come to New Zealand from Tahiti.

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Brother Jay Crichton

Elder Jay is the Leader of our Youth Ministry.

As a leader in His body I am humbled and unworthy, but grateful to be used for His glory, and salvation of man
My walk: Each morning I hunger for His presence and will. Each day I desire to Salt the Earth by reflecting His character. Each night I’m grateful and cry for His mercies that He graciously gives. I’m in a saving relationship with Him.
Youth ministry vision: Is to grow and equip this generation in the blessed work to hasten His coming. To ignite the hearts and spread the gospel like wild fire.

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Sister Benjamina Terepai

Sister Benjamina Terepai is the Director of our Adventurers at East Auckland City Church.

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Sister Gladys Aruwa

Sister Gladys Aruwa is the Leader of our Health Ministry at East Auckland City Church.

I count it a great blessing to have been brought up as a Christ follower in a Baptist family. I was first baptised in 1987 and rebaptized in 1999 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

It is a privilege to serve in God’s vineyard facilitating God’s message of hope for us to enjoy abundant life through a healthy lifestyle.

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Community Services & ADRA

Sister Yolande Serfontein is the leader of our Community Services and ADRA.
I grew up in an Adventist home and was baptised on my 18th birthday. My passion is Outreach. I believe as disciples we are required to reach out to people and work toward bringing them to the kingdom of God. If Each One can just Reach One we can make a huge difference in this world.


Sister Gloria Sinclair

Sister Gloria Sinclair is one of our Interest Co-Ordinators.
I came to JESUS when my 1st husband died suddenly leaving me a widow with 2 small pre-school children. My walk with the LORD has been up & down but now I'm at a place where HE is my all in all. I do volunteer work at the Hope Bible School once a week. I'm looking forward to the 2nd Coming of JESUS.

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Brother Samuelu Crichton

Brother Samuelu Crichton is the Health and Safety Officer at East Auckland City Church

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Sister Yolande Serfontein

Sister Yolande Serfontein is one of our Interest Co-ordinators.
I grew up in an Adventist home and was baptised on my 18th birthday. My passion is Outreach. I believe as disciples we are required to reach out to people and work toward bringing them to the kingdom of God. If Each One can just Reach One we can make a huge difference in this world.

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